Friday, August 6, 2010

New Zealand: Diary of an Amazing Journey.

Hello Everyone, 
what an adventure our trip to New Zealand was! Marvellous!  I finally have some time to let all of you know what happened during our trip and share with you all our incredible experience.

Here is our diary...

June 11th, 2010.

The day has arrived.  I am finally ready to take off for Auckland and begin our journey and filming with Denie.  I arrive at the airport at LAX around 6:30pm, board my plane from Air New Zealand, sit down in my seat, and wait for the doors to close.

What kind of journey would it be if all went smoothly?  Naturally, murphy's law, rears its nasty head. As we are taking off (2 hours late) a loud 'POP' scares half the plane. As I was sitting by the wings, the people around me and I realized we had just popped a tire.  Thank goodness, our pilot was a master, and without breaking stride, was able to slow down and stop (on the runaway) before more damage could be done, and before we actually took off.

As they tell us what happened (we blew up two tires actually, plus ruined the landing gear) we have to wait on the runaway.  As midnight approaches, it is now obvious to all of us, we are not going anywhere tonight.

Finally after two hours waiting in the plane, busses arrive to de-plane us and take us back to the main terminal, where we had to wait for another hour, there before they find all 350+ people a place to stay for the night.  What amazing service by the people at Air New Zealand!

A group of us is taken to a Holiday Inn by the airport, where we check in, and try to go and get some shut eye.  Too bad no luggage, as we had to leave it in the plane.

Considering I had no idea when my plane would take off the next morning, I woke up quite early, got ready, had some breakfast and waited for some news. It wasn't until about 9:30am that someone from the hotel gave me and everyone else who like me was waiting for news, the information we needed for our trip.  New departure time: 3:30pm.

People Watching USA-England at LAX
Well...the good thing was I got to see some World Cup games, where the US-England game was the highlight of the day, in a somewhat boring 1-1 tie.

At the airport all went smoothly, thank again for the amazing service of Air New Zealand.

Finally, at 4:00pm, we take off, and an amazing journey begins.


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